Not sure which way to go? Let us give you the tools you need to succeed by improving stamina, performance and muscle tone with weight gain or weight loss to reach your goals. Weekly weigh-ins and B12 injections for energy and optimum nutrient absorption can be added at an additional charge. This 45-minute session includes:
- Initial consultation/assessment
- Discussion of nutrient timing, protein requirements and calorie intake
- Nutrition recommendation, supplementation information
- Fitness evaluation with activity recommendations
BASIC WEIGHT LOSS 30 DAY PROGRAM – ($150) Returning clients $100
A whole food, clean eating program that includes:
- Initial consultation/evaluation with program education and resources
- Diet plan with nutrition recommendation, supplementation information
- Online support group
- Four weekly weigh-ins, measurements and blood pressure check
- Four B12 shots (can be upgraded)
- Physician prescribed appetite suppressant if needed

"Lose weight and feel great with the Columbia areas best weight loss programs!"